March 28, 2023
Chasing Emily
just before sundown
gold sears the gray of the day
brightness from within
as truth tumbles off
a slanting roof into arms
naught nuptial, it sighs
wedded words dashing
through wild nights’ imagined lusts
envelopes embrace
that slanted light she
wrote of falls in fall across
one housecat’s path home
dawn’s dewtops beckon
garden to meadow to field
pencil left behind
© the author
by E.D. Lloyd-Kimbrel
E. D. Lloyd-Kimbrel, whose car masquerades as a branch library, has been writing for a while. Over the years, in between various employments and academic endeavors, geographical locations and life events, she has published biographical, critical, and scholarly articles and essays in tandem with an assortment of poems and creative non-fiction.